With innovative products you can stand behind, a generous compensation plan, and freedom to run your business in a way that fits into your lifestyle, the SEINT Artist Program was designed to help women contribute to their monthly income – or even replace it – in a fun, sustainable, and family-friendly way! Learn more about becoming a SEINT Artist below:

  • No sales minimums or personal purchases required

  • Earn personal commissions (20-40%)

  • No inventory (SEINT handles all shipping and returns)

  • Earn 2-24% team commissions if you choose to build a team

  • No makeup experience needed

  • Earn up to $500 in free product every month

  • Access to early releases and exclusive SEINT products

  • Inclusive and inspiring community and culture; you can sit with us!

  • Opportunity for personal growth with a made-for-more mindset

Click on the image above to see the Canadian Income Disclosure Statement

“When you’re a mom of two littles, it’s easy to forget your own dreams. Seint allowed me to dream again. I was putting on my makeup every day anyway… so I decided why not get paid to do it, and help others feel beautiful along the way? I'm so glad I joined this community of sisters. I’m in this business for myself, but not BY myself.. the support of my team is amazing!”

-Naomi M.-

“I have struggled my entire life with low self-esteem- I never felt like I fit in anywhere...Seint has set me on a journey of self-love that I now share with everything. Seint has given me a voice, and the confidence to actually be vulnerable and share my journey with others. My heart explodes when a woman reaches out and tells me that I helped her by sharing my story- that she feels seen and heard...Seint has helped me to find my light and to shine brightly. It’s been life-changing for my soul!”

- Tammy P. -

“I was looking for a little postpartum pick-me-up. We had just had our twins, and I wasn’t feeling my best. I got my makeup, I applied it...I went downstairs, and my husband did a double take. He said, “Babe, you look really pretty” and...right then and there I knew I wanted to become an artist because I wanted to help others feel what I felt in that moment. I’m able to help women feel beautiful and confident in their new makeup, and I’m also able to help other artists navigate their own business so that they can become successful, too. I’m so thankful for all the good the Artist Program has brought into my life.”

-Erin M.

  • Exclusive training groups, websites, and content resources

  • Team events to help achieve personal sales goals

  • Color-match guidance and support

  • Simple systems to help you automate and scale your business

  • Access to weekly trainings from top-level leaders

  • Retreats, incentives, and prizes beyond what corporate offers

  • We have the MOST fun!

🇺🇸 $99 | 🇨🇦 $139

🇺🇸 $225 | 🇨🇦 $315

🇺🇸 $450 | 🇨🇦 $639